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Pietrasanta Carrara

31 March 2021 Written by Val D'Orcia 105
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Historic and artistic capital of Versilia, Pietrasanta remains faithful to its tradition of showing fine examples of religious architecture, military and civilian. In religious art, which has various influences, it is easy to recognize the influence of Pisa (with its Byzantine elements) and the Gothic. The artistic heritage of Pietrasanta, undoubtedly linked to events in the city, including valuable works by famous masters such as Donald chisel Benti, Stagio Stagi, Bonuccio Pardini and painters such as Matteo Rosselli, Francesco Corradi, Jacopo Vignali.carrara2 From several plaques and historical research should be noted the passing of the great Michelangelo, who lived here and chose the marble of his works in the nearby marble quarries here and negotiate the purchase of marble for the facade of S. Lorenzo in Florence, marble is famous for the city of Carrara. Carrara Decorated Gold Medal for Civil Merit, is known worldwide for its marble quarries and its central location, making it for centuries a crossroads of cultures and exchange of territory. Located in the northernmost part of Tuscany, at the foot of the Alps, has long been known for the extraction and processing of white marble that made it famous throughout the world. Nestled between the sea and mountains, Carrara is rich in history, tradition and culture.pietrasanta This favorable natural place, which allowed us to develop a thriving tourist industry on the coast, Carrara place increasingly at the center of the international cultural scene, thanks to a run of events. A land, from the mountains to the sea, crossed by a flurry of initiatives that bear witness to the vitality and attractiveness of the people that our land has for many foreign citizens who chose to live.

Last modified on Wednesday, 31 March 2021 14:25
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